Just a sketch


Just a sketch I did a while back.

Things have been rough lately.

Funny, I could talk about it, seeing as I have this whole blog to myself.

But I did a lot of that last week, so for this week, I’ll just say that change is hard.

But it’s worth it <3

Take a Moment


The library where I work encourages us to take short breaks every few hours.

I like to walk up and down the stairs and all around the different floors.

That’s how I came upon this.

I found the interplay of light/shadow to be particularly appealing.

It’s good to take a moment to enjoy your surroundings.

From my window – 100th post!

imageWinter landscape as seen out the window I sit near at work. I thought the blinds were a nice touch.

I watched a documentary about a sushi chef with my husband recently. Watched it a few times actually.

It’s called “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” and the chef mentioned something that really resonated.

His secret to success: “You have to fall in love with your work.”

He doesn’t say “Find something you love and do that.”

The falling in love part is all on us; it’s not about what we do, but how we do it.

I try to take responsibility for that every day.

I look for the humanity in the people that I work with and around,

the beauty in simple things like the sunrise through the office window,

the peace in the slow moments and the excitement in the fast ones.

Some days I don’t see it.

Some days I do.