Bob Ross paint along S1 e4 – Winter Mist

This is my fourth paint along with Bob Ross. So far they’ve all been fun and shown me that I’m capable of more than I thought while also being rather challenging! I’m doing these on smaller canvas to give myself more leeway to be imperfect and leave out small details.


I’m still working on my happy little trees. I finally caved and got some paint thinner and actual palate knives (I was using cut outs from a plastic juice jug before. Not kidding.)

There are still a few tools I’ll need if I keep this up. Currently I’m using a mix of acrylic, oil, and… fabric paint? Just whatever I have on hand. We’ll see what I decide to treat myself with before the next painting!!

And a few words from the master himself:

And apparently I can drop youtube videos directly into wordpress so that’s nifty! Here’s the video if you want to feel a little inspired.



Just a sketch


Just a sketch I did a while back.

Things have been rough lately.

Funny, I could talk about it, seeing as I have this whole blog to myself.

But I did a lot of that last week, so for this week, I’ll just say that change is hard.

But it’s worth it <3