Book Progress – Prisma


Why do I make art? It’s not only because I want to express myself. There’s something higher than that. I’m searching for a way to make a difference and be of service through my creative abilities.

I want to make a difference in the world because it makes me feel connected, valuable, and empowered. When I have a bigger cause to contribute to my life gains purpose. When I get depressed (and I often get depressed) it helps me a great deal to have something to take my mind off of it, and service to others does more to lift me up than just that.

Service gives me a reason to keep going when I get down, a higher purpose that I can’t deny, and something bigger than myself to focus on when I feel small and insignificant. It brings importance to what I do every day.

Art and creativity give me voice, they give me expression, and a chance to get my feelings, thoughts, and imaginative power out in a tangible form. Art is calming to me, uplifting, and also empowering in it’s own way.

In a way, service is one of my therapies; an antidepressant, and so is art. It just makes sense that I would want to bring the two together to create something beautiful and transformative.

That’s why I’m writing this book. I want to make a difference in the lives of little kids and parents. Give them an opportunity to be with each other, play, and learn. I know from experience that the right book can make all the difference, and I still own and love my favorite books from childhood. These books provide solace to me when I’m anxious or upset, and bring me happiness and lift me up when I’m in need of a little friendly reminder that some days, it’s okay to be a little different.

So maybe this is my way of providing service to the world. I won’t know until I try! I’m grateful to you for reading and considering taking part in my kickstarter. Thank you for being a part of the journey.