Why I doodle in class


This is a doodle that I did while listening to my mentor’s most recent online course on how she became a successful artist. I was doodling long before I met my mentor, but she is the first person to actually engage me in my doodling and encourage me to doodle during class. She showed me the results of a study (presented in this video at about 3:45), which found that doodlers remembered 29% more details than a control group when listening to a prerecorded message.

And thinking back on it, I always doodled in my favorite classes. Music and Art History have been by far my favorites, and my notebooks are packed with illustrations, characters, fantastical landscapes and abstractions.

Might I mention that I graduated with a 3.6 and those classes were some of the ones in which I earned my highest grades?

So perhaps there’s something to it. All I know is that every doodle I make holds a precious place in my heart, which is why I’m sharing them with you!


My challenge to you: Doodle today and post the results below! Use a pen, pencil, crayons or markers. Just put on your favorite music, show, movie, or even call a friend! Snap a photo with your phone and post it below it or email it to aj@ajmck.com with your name (or website, or however you would like to be credited) and I just might feature it as a “guest post” for you!






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